
Your questions become videos or pictures

If you have specific questions about our agricultural machinery, we will help you. Do you want to see a machine in action? Can’t see everything you’re interested in on our photos? Send us your request by mail or social media. We will create videos or pictures for you and put them online. In this way, you help us to answer your wishes and questions and get a very special answer to your questions.

Ask your question here

Online per Formular

You can easily ask your question here via our online form. Just click.

Schicke uns ein Mail

Click here to send us an email to: fragen@cfsolution.at

Per Facebook

This link will take you to our Facebook page. Send us a personal message.

Per Instagram

Mention us with a @cfscrossfarmsolution or message us on Instagram.

Do you need more information about our agricultural machinery?

In the download area you will find all information and brochures about CFS agricultural machinery.

Questions for CFS

Do you need an offer for a CFS agricultural machine or do you have an inquiry?

Via our contact page you can get in touch with us in the normal way. No matter if you want an offer for one of our CFS agricultural machines or if you just want to ask for a quick price. You are welcome to contact us via online form or phone.

Wie können wir dir helfen?

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